3D Medieval Castle (Final)

This is the last and final work of my medieval castle. It was really hard to make, so this took me pretty long time to complete it. I try to estimate and imagine about the measurements of this castle. I made this castle this way is all because it is easy for me. Since I am a beginner in sketchup, I shouldn’t just think about how fancy or cool my castle will be. So that is why my castle is very simple. There were a lot of errors in this project. What I think is the castle might be a bit too big, if you can see, the human is so tiny.I tried my best to make the parts obvious what it is, especially the towers and the keep. My most favorite thing about this is the drawbridge, because it looks so cool when I make it. However the least thing I like here is the towers and the keep, because it looks weird and the design is too simple and not so nice looking. Image

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