Computer History

This is a google presentation I made about computer history. This presentation shows early history to the fourth generation of the computers. I did put some pictures so that people can know how it looks like. While doing this presentation, I realized there are a lot of difference between the first generation and computers now (fourth generation). There are a lot of improvements.

Keywords and Search (By Annie and Soohee)

This is a ICT work we did. We are learning about the keywords and how to use it to search things. We learned that we need to make sure that it is simple and using the main words. This topic is about dogs. Sometimes it is quite hard to search with only one keyword. However, for this one when we search for the word dog, we found the answer because there was Wikipedia which contains a lot of topics about the dog. It gets easier to find out answers when we put a bit for keywords. Well, what I learned about from this assignment is it saves our time when we search. I think it was quite fun while doing this with my friend.